How to behave online

Being able to communicate online is a privilege, but you have to remember you’re not just interacting with your friends. You should only post what you’re comfortable allowing others to see because your words and images have consequences offline. Here is some important information to keep in mind.

Your audience is wide

Whatever you write and post online can be found by just about anyone in the world. Even if privacy settings are set high, there are criminally-minded people out there who make it a point to try to get around what blocks most other users.

It’s an old saying that is very much true: The internet is forever. Once you post something, you can’t take it back. It’s possible to find information even after it’s deleted because you have little control over who may have found your words or photos and saved them. That content may exist on other people's computers, and you can’t know how they may circulate it online.

Be very careful with the photos and information you share as well as the language you use. Remember that your teachers, coaches, police, future college admissions officers and employers may see something even years after you have forgotten about it.

Limit what you share

It is important never to impersonate someone else. Never create a website, pages or social media posts that seem to come from someone else, like a teacher, classmate or even someone you’ve made up.

There are some things in your life that are important to keep to yourself. It’s a good idea never to share online:

  • Private information about yourself, family members and friends

  • A Social Security number

  • Your street address or phone number

  • Your family’s financial information, like bank account or credit card numbers

It’s also a good idea to avoid talking about sex online, even if you think you know that person. Research shows that kids who don't talk about sex online are less likely to come in contact with predators. Remember, many experts who have studied online interactions for years have found that predators usually pose as children or teens. Do not hesitate to ignore or block them.

Manners are important online, too

Politeness counts. Being courteous is nice wherever you are, including online. And while texting may seem fast and impersonal, courtesies like "pls" and "ty" (for please and thank you) are always a nice touch.

Cc: and Reply all: with care. Resist the temptation to send a message to everyone on your contact list.

Stay safe

Use privacy settings. Many social networking sites and chat rooms have adjustable privacy settings, so you can restrict who has access to your profiles. Use them.

Create a safe screen name. Think about the impression that screen names can make. A good screen name won't reveal much about how old you are, where you live or your gender. Never make a screen name the same as your email address.

Trust your gut. If anything seems unusual or you have the feeling something is odd, don’t second guess it. Additionally, if ever feel threatened by someone or uncomfortable because of something that is said or shared online, report your concerns to an adult. They may even reach out to the police or the social networking site. Always report abusive, suspicious or inappropriate behavior.

Source: Federal Trade Commission