Deep breathing

It may sound surprising, but the way you breathe can help you calm down, release stress and help you focus.

Deep breathing helps get more oxygen into your bloodstream, so it helps your physical body. When you are calm, your body is in what is known as “rest and digest” mode. Your muscles are relaxed and your heart rate is normal. It's how you are if you’re reading a book or watching TV.

When you’re stressed out, your breathing changes. You don’t get the amount of oxygen you should, and you think differently. For example, if you are chased by a dog, you react in a “fight or flight” mode. You get scared, your heart rate increases and you run. But “fight or flight” can also happen if you have to give a speech before a large crowd or have to take an important test.

 how to breathe deeply

  1. Find a comfortable position either lying on your back or sitting. If you are sitting down, make sure that you keep your back straight. Relax your shoulders.

  2. Close your eyes.

  3. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. You can even put a stuffed animal on your belly if you’d like.

  4. Take a few breaths as you normally would. Then breathe in and move your hand or the stuffed animal up, then breathe out and bring them back down.

  5. Continue to take deep breaths, concentrating on only moving your belly.

  6. Continue as long as you would like!


  1. It can take some time to learn how to breathe deeply. The more you practice, the easier it becomes. Take some time each day to practice this exercise. You can do it anywhere.

  2. Try to practice this exercise at a time when you are already relaxed. This will make it easier to take deeper breaths and you’ll quickly learn how to do it.

  3. If you are having trouble taking deep breaths, try breathing in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Also, slowly count to five in your head as you breathe in and then blow out.